

My father and stepmother live a short car ride away in upstate New York.

Their house is in the beautiful country where we could explore the woods, play family games at the table while the deer and turkey roam by. My dad could teach his future grandchild how to fish, drive the tractor, help feed the chickens or help with the garden. My nieces love doing this with their Papa B when they are here. Then we could make delicious meals together or go into the quaint little town with culinary restaurants. It’s like a Christmas town from a hallmark movie.

California is where my beautiful mother, stepfather, and my brother and two sassy nieces live.

From the red woods to the California beaches. This child would have the best of all worlds and my mom will probably move right next door to me the day this precious child arrives. My friends and family are my strong support system that have shown so much love and encouragement toward my decision of adoption. That I know I have my village.

Kind Words from Friends

“Brianne is a loving caring person. Her ability to interact with children is unbelievable and a joy to watch.”

— Jennifer E.

“She will undoubtably make an amazing parent, and from the bottom of my heart I know that sweet baby will truly be blessed to have her as their mother.”

— Ashley

“It is truly a joy to see her with my son and the patience and gentleness that she exhibits with him, always.”

— Jennifer H.